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March 2024 Featured Artist - Patti Rozonkiewiecz (Roz)

Roz is originally from Upstate NY and moved here 3 years ago. She is a highly motivated, energetic person who is constantly learning. Whether it is a new position, a new skill or just broadening her overall knowledge.

She has always been into arts and crafts, sewing, and painting (including walls). When she had the opportunity to go back to school she jumped at it. She obtained certifications in Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Lighting, and Kitchen and Bath along with a Bachelor's degree in interior design at the Illinois Institute of Art.

Currently, Roz is the president of All About Art and she loves being a part of a great group of artists and people. She loves teaching classes to share her knowledge and to take classes to always be learning more.

About Our Studio

The Studio is located in the Town Square,

at the Yemassee Crafts Center.

Please check calendar for latest information

Open Studio 

Monday and Tuesday 9:00 - 5:00  All mediums

Wednesday 9 - 12  All Mediums

Monitors present

Thursday - Saturday 9:30 - 1 :30


Yemassee Craft Center opens at 6 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. daily.

No one is permitted to be in the building before or after these hours of operation. 

Artists using any mediums are welcome to use the studio at anytime.  

When there are classes in session, you are welcomed to use a table in the back row, if the row is not being used by class participants.

To Contact your webmaster, please click here.

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