How the Featured Artist started ......
Several years ago, there was a selection committee of 3 to 5 people who went to perspective Featured Artist’s homes to review their art. The committee would scrutinize the art and deem it worthy for the wall.
When Al and I were asked to run the program, we were handed a list of artists' names for that year and the following year. We would attend all the shows and, when possible, ask the artists displaying their work if they would consider becoming Featured Artists for the following year.
That worked well until Al and I realized that only a fraction of the membership enters the shows. As a result, we tried a lottery for this coming September. The response was minimal but I’m hopeful that more artists will want to participate.
We feel that all should be included, regardless of style of painting or expertise. We want to highlight the diversity of our membership.
What is involved .......
Sending your bio and pictures of some of your artwork to be displayed on the Art website
Displaying some of your artwork on the first panel in the Art Studio (possibly selling something as well)
We would love everyone to sign up for a turn on displaying their wonderful creativity from beginners to non-beginners.
Remember never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.
If you have an interest in becoming a Featured Artist please contact Bobbi Forgacz forgaczb@aol.com.